Major project

My Photographic Essay 

This is completely different from my minor project. I chose to change my idea because I found that I couldn't get enough volunteers and I could see that it wasn't going to be very visually exciting, because I was fixed with to one view point.

However, by going ahead with my lilly idea I could show the unseen by choosing the camera angles and show the process of ageing.

Theoretical issues

Pictorial Realism

The medium used is a vehicle to show or represent an object, landscape or people.

Research Question

Is a photograph a true representation of the world around us or can it be manipulated to to represent something else entirely? 


  • My working title: Lilly in Bloom

  • Treatment: I what the photo essay to have an artistic quality to it, not factual. But trying to incorporate an emotional state to the piece. This can be done by photographing a lilly from bud to the petals falling off.

  • The outline of the story: A time lapse, different stages of the lilies life. From bud to the petals dying. I want to focus on the visual elements of form and shape. I will photograph any significant changes to the lilly.

  • Option for an establishing shot: 

I chose to use the one on the right as my establishing shot because I thought even though it is slightly obscure it is still recognisable as a flower. I also believe it gives the viewer a fairly rough idea about what is to come in the book, for instance the angles used and soem off the obscure shots that are taken.

  • Pre-visualisation: For this I am going to be focusing on the visual language of the piece, such as line, form and shape. I want the photographs to fill the frame. I will also be using depth of field to create a softer focus and I will also shoot in black and white, because my focus is the visual language and I feel the elements I want to enhance would be lost behind the colour. The colour would be distracting.

  • Equipment list: Nikon D3100, Natural light, UV filter, Lilly flower, 

Establish shot

The photo essay


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