Minor project

Documentary Photography
Task 3 – Minor Assignment

This is an individual minor assignment that will be an opportunity to work on a self generated idea at a more individual/ personal level plus applying the previously acquired skills (Framing, Cropping and Script writing) at a deeper level. The assignment has been set with an overall theme that is open to interpretation and is meant to guide your attention and cause you to seek out opportunities for Documentary Photography that are ‘on your doorstep’.

The idea and work generated during this task could form the basis of the body of work produced for the Major assignment, although this does not necessarily have to be the case. In any event, the task provides an opportunity to develop your practice in Documentary Photography through a formative process where feedback will be given during a review of your work output. (Please refer to the module timetable for more details about the work review for this task).

1 Produce a script following the form and content of the
linked studio activity. Your subject should be self generated in response    to the theme; ‘Documenting the everyday’. Your script should outline how you would plan a picture story.

2 Produce an establishing shot for your chosen subject/ narrative.

3 Incorporate a caption or title if you decide it is needed.

Guidance on choosing a subject:

Gather local information; (newspapers/magazines/notice boards/leaflets) to see what a wealth of clubs, societies, special interest groups and events are going on. Pound the streets and lanes for inspiration.

Try brainstorming and mind-mapping your thoughts. Above all, choose a subject that has some meaning for you.

You may wish to work within the visual language of one of the following movements:
Straight New Vision Surrealism Dada New Objectivity Research as practice
Remember, selling your work, getting it published, is always a possibility.

My work

For this minor project I did want to show how we present ourself to the world. My thinking behind this was when people talk on the phone most people have a phone voice that is more formal than usual. however, times have moved on and we are now able to see each other while using technology such as Skype.

I wanted to show that even through with other situations we have a persona for instance when we go out or when we use the phone, but there isn't a set procedure with talking on Skype. I mean that we are letting the world see us for what we are in our own environments.                             


Treatment - Each shot will show a consistency. Maybe even slightly pixelated as is the nature of Skype sometimes.

Option for establishing shot - the Skype loading page or maybe a shot halfway through the documentation.

Pre-visualisation - I would be use screen shot using the webcam on a computer.

Equipment - Laptop, using artificial lighting.

Legal matters - I would need model release forms.

Special arrangements - I would have to organise times when I could Skype different people.

Possible establishing shots 

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