Monday 25 February 2013

Task 2: Cropping the image


By John Hilliard - British photography

Cropping the image in post production creates these four different images as well as four different meanings. Each image has a different title running top to bottom left to right these are, Crushed, Drowned, Burned and Fell.

Hilliard has presented these images as a Swastika. however, it also has a circular feel to it as if it is never ending.

I don't actually like these images they leave me feeling cold, as if i've witnessed something I shouldn't have.

My own example of telling different stories with cropping from one photograph:

Original image

crop 1

crop 2

crop 3

Through completing this exercise I can now appreciate how important the from of a photograph is. It is not only what is in the image thats important but also what is left out.

By cropping the same image three different ways, these three new images tell a completely different story to the original photograph.

For instance in crop one we as viewers don't know who these people are or where they are going. They could just be setting out for a long hike with no particular destination.

Whereas in crop two there are a couple of cars coming towards us, the viewer, we don't know where they have been. Or they could just be setting out on their journey.

However, in crop three we know where the cars have come from we just don't know where they are going.

In conclusion to this task just by altering the perimeters of the image I the photographer can change the meaning of the image completely.

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